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Diffey, B. L. (1991). Solar ultraviolet radiation effects on biological systems. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 36(3), 299–328. 
Added by: Sarina (2008-12-19 20:32:00)   Last edited by: Sarina (2010-09-22 14:29:52)
Resource type: Journal Article
DOI: 10.1088/0031-9155/36/3/001
BibTeX citation key: Diffey1991
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Categories: Englisch = English
Keywords: Sonne = Sun, Ultraviolett = Ultraviolet, Vitamin D = Vitamin D
Creators: Diffey
Collection: Physics in Medicine and Biology
Views: 8/1042
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Popularity index: 0.5%
Ultraviolet climatology is outlined including atmospheric ozone and factors affecting terrestrial ultraviolet radiation. Solar dosimetry in photobiology and terrestrial UV monitoring are discussed. Molecular and cellular ultraviolet photobiology are described. The effect of solar UV on aquatic life and plants is outlined. The effects of solar UV on human skin such as sunburn, tanning, vitamin D3 production, photo-ageing, melanomas and skin cancer are described. The effect of solar UV on the eye is discussed.
Added by: Sarina  Last edited by: Sarina
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