Licht-im-Terrarium: Literaturdatenbank

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Displaying 1 - 84 of 84

25(OH)D [1]  25-hydroxyvitamin D [1]  Akkommodation = Accommodation [23]  Allgemeinbeleuchtung [1]  Amphibien = Amphibians [72]  Angle of incidence [1]  anorganische Leuchtstoffe [1]  avian [1]  Blue Light Hazard [10]  Bone metabolism [1]  Chronobiologie = Chronobiology [45]  Circadian rhythms [1]  climate change [1]  Clinical applications; LED sources; Light emitting diodes; Light sources; Medical fields; Ultraviolet light emitting diodes [1]  cockatiel [1]  Color opponency [1]  Color vision [1]  critical temperatures [1]  Echsen = Lizards [160]  Farbe = Color [41]  Farbpsychologie [8]  Farbsehen = Color Vision [92]  Fische = Fish [6]  Flimmerwahrnehmung = Flicker Perception [14]  Glühlampe = Incandescent Lamp [12]  habitat design [1]  Halogenmetalldampflampe = Metal Halide Lamp [52]  Healthy light [1]  Helligkeit = Brightness [3]  herpetofauna welfare [1]  hypervitaminosis D [1]  Immunsystem = Immune System [8]  Infrarot = Infrared [53]  Insekten = Insects [6]  irradiation [1]  Kompaktleuchtstofflampe = Compact Fluorescent Lamp [11]  Lampen = Lamps [198]  LED [4]  LED solar simulator [1]  Leuchtdiode = Light-emitting Diode [37]  Leuchtstofflampe = Fluorescent Lamp [48]  Lichtemittierende Dioden (LED) [1]  Lichtquellen [1]  lizard [1]  Material = Material [28]  Mathematik = Mathematics [4]  methodology [1]  Mond = Moon [14]  Netzhaut = Retina [54]  Non-image-forming vision [1]  Orientierung = Orientation [13]  Parietalorgan = Parietal Organ [36]  Pflanzen = Plants [10]  photo-kerato-conjunctivitis [1]  Photometrie = Photometry [96]  Polarisation = Polarization [2]  previtamin D3 [1]  Quecksilberdampflampe = Mercury-Vapor Lamp [40]  Reptilien = Reptiles [183]  Retina [1]  Schildkröten = Turtles [76]  Schlangen = Snakes [38]  Sehvermögen = Visual Perception [201]  Skin [1]  Sleep-wake cycles [1]  Sonne = Sun [77]  Spektrum = Spectrum [67]  Spezialbeleuchtung [1]  Säugetiere = Mammals [19]  temperature [1]  thermoregulation [1]  Thermoregulation = Thermoregulation [46]  ultraviolet [2]  ultraviolet light [1]  Ultraviolett = Ultraviolet [382]  UVB light [1]  UVBreitband = UVBroadband [28]  Verhalten = Behaviour [9]  vitamin D [2]  vitamin D3 [2]  Vitamin D = Vitamin D [266]  Volume non-uniformity [1]  Vorschaltgerät = Ballast [9]  Vögel = Birds [22]

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