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Tapley, B., Rendle, M., Baines, F. M., Goetz, M., Bradfield, K. S., & Rood, D., et al. (2014). Meeting ultraviolet b radiation requirements of amphibians in captivity: A case study with mountain chicken frogs (leptodactylus fallax) and general recommendations for pre-release health screening. Zoo Biology, n/a–n/a. 
Added by: Sarina (2014-09-30 14:08:23)   
Resource type: Journal Article
DOI: 10.1002/zoo.21170
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 1098-2361
BibTeX citation key: Tapley2014
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Categories: Englisch = English
Keywords: Amphibien = Amphibians, Ultraviolett = Ultraviolet, Vitamin D = Vitamin D
Creators: Baines, Bradfield, Garcia, Goetz, Lopez, Rendle, Rood, Routh, Tapley
Collection: Zoo Biology
Views: 10/1339
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Popularity index: 1.25%
Meine Sichtweise (Keine vollständige Zusammenfassung des Artikels! Meine Meinung muss nicht mit der Meinung der Autoren übereinstimmen! Bitte lesen Sie auch die Originalarbeit!)   
  • Antillen-Ochsenfrösche werden zur Wiederauswilderung in Gefangenschaft gezüchtet. Dabei treten häufig Probleme bei der Knochenbildung auf. Röntgenaufnahmen bei jungen Fröschen, die ohne UVB-Bestrahlung aufgezogen wurden, zeigen das.
  • Frösche, die mit UVB-Bestrahlung nach Ferguson-Zone 2 (Gradient von UV-Index 0 bis UV-Index 3) haben ein normal entwickeltes Skelett (Röntgenuntersuchung). Die Frösche wurden dabei zunächst in Terrarien der Größe 46cm x 30cm x 17cm mit einer 1,150mm Arcadia T5-HO D3+ 12% UVB  Röhre gehalten, später in Terrarien der Größe 2m x 2m x 3m mit UVB-Rlhre in Kombination mit einer 300W Osram Ultravitalux.

Added by: Sarina  
Conservation breeding programmes are a tool used to prevent amphibian extinctions. The husbandry requirements of amphibians are complex. Ongoing research is needed to ensure optimal management of those captive-bred animals destined, in particular, for reintroduction. The UV-B and vitamin D3 requirements of amphibians are largely unknown. Metabolic bone disease has been reported in a number of species. These include the Critically Endangered mountain chicken frog (Leptodactylus fallax) reared in captivity on diets supplemented with a high-calcium multivitamin and mineral supplement containing vitamin D3 but without UV-B provision. Captive-bred L. fallax being reared for reintroduction to Montserrat were provided with UV-B radiation from metamorphosis and were fed on insects supplemented with vitamins and minerals. Overlapping heat, light and UV-B gradients were provided, mimicking what we believe best represents the natural situation and thereby facilitated self-regulation of UV-B exposure. A subset of 10 frogs was periodically radiographed to assess skeletal health. Radiographic bone density and anatomical integrity appeared unremarkable when compared with a wild caught L. fallax. In addition to other routine health-screening, we recommend that radiography be performed to a structured schedule on a subset of all captive-bred and reared amphibians to assess skeletal health and to gauge the appropriateness of captive husbandry. We demonstrate here that, through the appropriate provision of a combination of both UV-B radiation and dietary supplementation, L. fallax can be bred and reared in captivity with healthy skeletal development. Zoo Biol. XX:XX–XX, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Added by: Sarina  
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