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Schneider, W. E. (1970). A one-solar-constant irradiance standard. Appl. Opt. 9(6), 1410–1418. 
Added by: Sarina (2013-10-03 15:38:00)   
Resource type: Journal Article
DOI: 10.1364/AO.9.001410
BibTeX citation key: Schneider1970
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Categories: Andere = Other
Keywords: Glühlampe = Incandescent Lamp, Spektrum = Spectrum, Ultraviolett = Ultraviolet
Creators: Schneider
Collection: Appl. Opt.
Views: 4/1042
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A new high-intensity standard of total and spectral irradiance has been developed recently at the National Bureau of Standards. The standard consists of a 1000-W tungsten-halogen lamp mounted in a ceramic reflector, the reflecting surface of which is coated with flame-sprayed Al2O3. The lamp-reflector combination results in a source having a relatively small (3 cm {\texttimes} 5 cm) radiating area yielding a total irradiance, at a distance of 40 cm, of about 136 mW cm-2. The total irradiance calibrations are based on the radiance of a 1400-K blackbody and have an estimated maximum systematic error of 0.9\% and a maximum estimated standard error of 0.19\%. The spectral measurements were made over the wavelength range of 0.3 {\textmu}m to 2.5 {\textmu}m relative to the NBS 1000-W tungsten-halogen irradiance standards. The estimated uncertainty in these measurements ranges from 4\% in the visible and near ir to 8\% in the uv.
Added by: Sarina  
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