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Strassmann, B. I., & Warner, J. H. (1998). Predictors of fecundability and conception waitsamong the dogon of mali. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 105, 167–184. 
Added by: Sarina (2013-06-01 13:23:22)   Last edited by: Sarina (2013-06-01 13:26:42)
Resource type: Journal Article
BibTeX citation key: Strassmann1998
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Categories: Englisch = English
Creators: Strassmann, Warner
Collection: American Journal of Physical Anthropology
Views: 3/848
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Popularity index: 0.5%
KEY WORDS fertility; menstrual cycle; demography; birth interval; survival analysis; Sahel

ABSTRACT Surprisingly little is known about the mechanisms that underlie variation in female fertility in humans. Data on this topic are nonetheless vital to a number of pragmatic and theoretical enterprises, including population planning, infertility treatment and prevention, and evolutionary ecology. Here we study female fertility by focusing on one component of the interbirth interval: the waiting time to conception during menstrual cycling. Our study population is a Dogon village of 460 people in Mali, West Africa. This population is pronatalist and noncontracepting. In accordance with animist beliefs, the women spend five nights sleeping at a menstrual hut during menses. By censusing the women present at the menstrual huts in the study village on each of 736 consecutive nights, we were able to monitor women’s conception waits prospectively. Hormonal profiles confirm the accuracy of the data on conception waits obtained from the menstrual hut census (Strassmann [1996], Behavioral Ecology 7:304–315). Using survival analysis, we identified significant predictors of the waiting time to conception: wife’s age (years), husband’s age (,35, 35–49, .49 years), marital duration (years), gravidity (number of prior pregnancies), and breast-feeding status. Additional variables were not significant, including duration of postpartum amenorrhea, sex of the last child, nutritional status, economic status, polygyny, and marital status (fiance´e vs. married). We fit both continuous and discrete time survival models, but the former appeared to be a better choice for these data. Am J Phys Anthropol 105:167–184, 1998.

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