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Schmidt, D. A., Mulkerin, D., Boehm, D. R., Ellersieck, M. R., Lu, Z., & Campbell, M., et al. (2010). Quantifying the vitamin d3 synthesizing potential of uvb lamps at specific distances over time. Zoo Biology, 
Added by: Sarina (2010-09-16 10:26:44)   Last edited by: Sarina (2014-10-11 13:15:49)
Resource type: Journal Article
DOI: 10.1002/zoo.20345
BibTeX citation key: Schmidt2010
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Categories: Englisch = English
Keywords: Lampen = Lamps, Leuchtstofflampe = Fluorescent Lamp, Quecksilberdampflampe = Mercury-Vapor Lamp, Ultraviolett = Ultraviolet, Vitamin D = Vitamin D
Creators: Boehm, Campbell, Chen, Ellersieck, Holick, Lu, Mulkerin, Schmidt
Collection: Zoo Biology
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Meine Sichtweise (Keine vollständige Zusammenfassung des Artikels! Meine Meinung muss nicht mit der Meinung der Autoren übereinstimmen! Bitte lesen Sie auch die Originalarbeit!)    A wonderful article! However, there are some things, that did surprise me, or that I do not fully understand:

Proportionality of solarmeter reading and vitamin d conversion

I would expect a relation like!%5Cfrac%7B%5Cmathrm%7BSolarmeter%5C%2CReading%7D%7D%7B%5Cmathrm%7BVitamin%5C%2CD%5C%2CPercentage%7D%7D%2520%3D%2520%5Cfrac%7B%5Cint%5Cmathrm%7Bd%7D%5Clambda%2520%5C%2C%2520S%28%5Clambda%29%5Ccdot%2520B%28%5Clambda%29%2520%7D%7B%5Cint%5Cmathrm%7Bd%7D%5Clambda%2520%5C%2C%2520S%28%5Clambda%29%5Ccdot%2520D3%28%5Clambda%29%7D.gif

so that an equation "vitamin d conversion = A * solarmeter reading" should hold.

If this correct

  • Why is a line "vitamin d conversion = A * solarmeter reading + Offset" fitted to the data? What is the meaning of the offset?
  • "A" is a function of the spectrum of the lamp, so why are the measurements at different distances not included into the same regression analysis? I would not expect the spectrum to change with distance.
  • The mercury vapour lamps seem to have a very different output, perhaps not only with respect to intensity but also with respect to spectrum. Why are all lamps included in the same regresssion analysis?

Distance of readings

Manufacturers recommendations for the distance of the lamp to the animal are 60cm for the Powersun 160W. The lamp was tested at 150cm distance, readings of the new lamp were 3.0±3.42 - this is at the detection limit of the Solarmeter 6.2, low signal to noise ratio and hardly any vitamin d conversion can be expected. Why was the distance chosen that high?

Added by: Sarina  
The purpose of this study was to quantify the ultraviolet B (UVB) output and in vitro previtamin D3 synthesis over time from various artificial light sources. Three incandescent lamps, T-Rex Active UVHeat 160 watt spot, T-Rex Active UVHeat 160 watt flood, and ZooMed PowerSun 160 watt flood, and two 1.2 m fluorescent lamps, Sylvania Blacklight 350 BL and ZooMed Reptisun 5.0, were studied. Total UVB irradiance and concentration of previtamin D synthesized using an in vitro ampoule model were quantified initially and at monthly intervals for 1 year. Incandescent lamps were measured at distances of 0.9 and 1.5 m while fluorescent lamps were measured at distances of 30.5 and 45.7 cm at the lamp's center, using both the radiometer and ampoules. Fluorescent lamp irradiance was also measured at the lamp's ends. Data were analyzed as a repeated measures split-plot in time using SAS with all mean differences determined using Least Squares Means. Incandescent lamp irradiance differences were seen at various distances. The UVHeat lamps had consistently higher previtamin D3 production and irradiance readings compared with the PowerSun lamp. Reptisun 5.0 was consistently higher in UVB irradiance over Sylvania BL 350 at both 30.5 and 45.7 cm. However, there were no differences when comparing conversion of 7-dehydrocholesterol to previtamin D3. Irradiance differences were detected between the centers and ends of the fluorescent lamps. Until UVB requirements for vitamin D3 synthesis in animals are determined, it is impossible to state that one light is superior to another. Zoo Biol 29:1–12, 2010. © 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


* UVB;
* metabolic bone disease;
* fluorescent lamps;
* mercury vapor lamps
Added by: Sarina  Last edited by: Sarina
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