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Tazawa, S. (1999). Effects of various radiant sources on plant growth (part 2). Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly, 33(3), 177–183. 
Added by: Sarina (2009-10-15 11:28:58)   
Resource type: Journal Article
BibTeX citation key: Tazawa1999a
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Categories: Englisch = English
Keywords: Pflanzen = Plants, Photometrie = Photometry
Creators: Tazawa
Collection: Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly
Views: 4/881
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Popularity index: 0.5%
In Part 2 of this report, we analyzed the spectrum distribution of several high intensity discharge lamps, in which the spectrum values were multiplied by the average values for 4 different photo-synthesis curves developed by McCree(1972) and Inada(1976), and we calculated the photo-electric conversion efficiency expressed as the plant growth radiant efficiency. As a result, we confirmed the high effectiveness of high pressure sodium lamps for plant growth within the PAR range of wavelengths, and concluded that a metal halide lamp 3,500 K(150 W high color rendering index type) was a suitable light source for indoor maintenance of ornamental plants. We also analyzed the light quality balance within the PAR range of different artificial lightsources, by using the R/B and R/FR ratios as a reference to photomorphogenesis.
Added by: Sarina  
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