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Rabideau, G. S., French, C. S., & Holt, A. S. (1946). The absorption and reflection spectra of leaves, chloroplast suspensions, and chloroplast fragments as measured in an ulbricht sphere. American Journal of Botany, 33(10), 769–777. 
Added by: Sarina (2009-06-24 16:16:03)   Last edited by: Sarina (2009-06-24 16:20:43)
Resource type: Journal Article
BibTeX citation key: Rabideau1946a
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Categories: Englisch = English
Keywords: Farbe = Color, Spektrum = Spectrum
Creators: French, Holt, Rabideau
Collection: American Journal of Botany
Views: 4/1356
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Popularity index: 0.75%
An apparatus is described in which an Ulbricht sphere was used in conjunction with a grating monochromator to measure absorption and reflection spectra. Absorption and reflection curves are shown for eight species of leaves, several chloroplast suspensions, and the supernatant fraction after the centrifugation of chloroplasts disintegrated by supersonic vibration. The absorption curves were plotted both as per cent absorption and on the log density basis and some attempt was made to allocate the absorption maxima to certain pigments. It appears that supersonic treatment of chloroplasts does not shift the position of the pigment absorption bands.
Added by: Sarina  Last edited by: Sarina
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