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Ferguson, D. E., Landreth, H. F., & Turnipseed, M. R. (1965). Astronomical orientation of the southern cricket frog, acris gryllus. Copeia, 1, 58–66. 
Added by: Sarina (2009-04-15 17:59:53)   
Resource type: Journal Article
BibTeX citation key: Ferguson1965
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Categories: Englisch = English
Keywords: Amphibien = Amphibians, Mond = Moon, Orientierung = Orientation, Sehvermögen = Visual Perception
Creators: Ferguson, Landreth, Turnipseed
Collection: Copeia
Views: 7/1386
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The orientation of southern cricket frogs was tested in a circular pen 60 ft in diameter located in water. With only the sun and sky visible, frogs moved in a direction corresponding to a line drawn perpendicularly toward the home shoreline. Accuracy of daytime orientation was not diminished after frogs were held 43 hr in total darkness. Animals collected by day and kept in total darkness oriented correctly when tested at night in view of the moon. Cricket frogs tested with only stars visible show bipolar orientation along the proper axis. When the same frogs were tested twice, the results were nearly identical. Successful orientation to home shores was observed in frogs displaced 15.1 mi and in those from 2 different shores when tested simultaneously. Reorientation to a new shoreline was evident after 3 hr and was virtually complete after a week.
Added by: Sarina  
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