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Liu, W., Wang, Y., Qiu, H., Chen, D., Wu, S., & Ji, Q., et al. (2024). Long-term ultraviolet b irradiation at 297 nm with light-emitting diode improves bone health via vitamin d regulation. Biomed. Opt. Express, 15(7), 4081–4100. 
Added by: Sarina (2024-08-23 09:40:16)   
Resource type: Journal Article
DOI: 10.1364/BOE.520348
BibTeX citation key: Liu2024
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Categories: Englisch = English
Keywords: Clinical applications; LED sources; Light emitting diodes; Light sources; Medical fields; Ultraviolet light emitting diodes
Creators: Chang, Chen, Gu, Ji, Li, Liu, Qiu, Tan, Wang, Wu, Zhao
Collection: Biomed. Opt. Express
Views: 109/168
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Popularity index: 10.75%
Ultraviolet radiation is the primary determinant for vitamin D synthesis. Sunlight is inefficient and poses a risk, particularly for long-term exposure. In this study, we screened the most favorable wavelength for vitamin D synthesis among four types of narrowband light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and then irradiated osteoporosis rats with the optimal wavelength for 3–12 months. The 297 nm narrowband LED was the most efficient. Long-term radiation increased vitamin D levels in all osteoporotic rats and improved bone health. No skin damage was observed during irradiation. Our findings provide an efficient and safe method of vitamin D supplementation.
Added by: Sarina  
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