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Holick, M. F., & STODDARD, P. K. (2022). Mosquitoes exposed to sunlight in florida are capable of making vitamin d3. Anticancer Research, 42(10), 5091–5094. 
Added by: Sarina (2024-08-23 09:18:02)   
Resource type: Journal Article
DOI: 10.21873/anticanres.16018
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 0250-7005
BibTeX citation key: Holick2022
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Categories: Englisch = English
Creators: Holick, STODDARD
Collection: Anticancer Research
Views: 9/67
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Popularity index: 4.25%
Meine Sichtweise (Keine vollständige Zusammenfassung des Artikels! Meine Meinung muss nicht mit der Meinung der Autoren übereinstimmen! Bitte lesen Sie auch die Originalarbeit!)     

Ca. 800 Mosquitos wurden einen Tag im Oktober ganztägig dem Sonnenlicht ausgesetzt, 400 Mosquitos blieben im Schatten. Die Tiere wurden anschließend in Methanol gelöst und mit high-performance liquid chromatography analysiert. Bei den Schatten-Mosquitos wurde 7DHC aber kein Vitamin D3 nachgewiesen, bei den Sonnen-Mosquitos ca. 0,36 ng oder 0,01 IU vitamin D3 pro Tier.


Wenn ich annehme, dass ein Mosquito ca 2 mg wiegt, entsprechen 0,36 ng / 2 mg = 18 µg / 100g - also eine ähnliche Größenordnung wie Fisch.

Added by: Sarina  
Background/Aim: This study aimed to determine whether mosquitoes exposed to natural sunlight are able to produce vitamin D3. Materials and Methods: Mosquito eggs obtained from adult Aedes aegypti mosquitoes were raised to adulthood. Approximately 1,200 male and female mosquitoes were divided among six cages. Four cages were placed on the roof on sunny days, 10-Sep-2021 and 12-Oct-2021. Two of the cages were exposed to sunlight from 8:30-18:00 and brought inside during rainstorms in the midday that lasted approximately 2 hours, while the other two cages were placed in deep shade and served as a control. After the exposure, the mosquitoes were collected and frozen at -80{textdegree}C. The mosquitoes were thawed and then extracted in methanol followed by high-performance liquid chromatography analysis. Results: The mosquitoes that were exposed to sunlight produced vitamin D3 whereas the mosquitoes kept in deep shade and not exposed to any sunlight did not produce significant vitamin D3. Conclusion: Mosquitoes exposed to sunlight have the ability to produce vitamin D3. Therefore, mosquitoes exposed to sunlight provide an excellent dietary source of vitamin D3 for insect eating vertebrates including birds and especially bats that avoid sun exposure and require vitamin D for their skeletal health.
Added by: Sarina  
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