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Vasas, V., Lowell, M., Villa, J., Jamison, Q., Siegle, A., & Katta, P., et al. (2024). Recording animal-view videos of the natural world using a novel camera system and software package. PLos Biology, 22, e3002444. 
Added by: Sarina (2024-06-16 14:30:00)   
Resource type: Journal Article
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3002444
BibTeX citation key: Vasas2024
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Categories: General
Creators: Bhagavathula, Forkner, Fulton, Hanley, Jamison, Katta, Kepplinger, Kevan, Losin, Lowell, Salehian, Siegle, Vasas, Villa, Yetzbacher
Collection: PLos Biology
Views: 31/591
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Popularity index: 11.5%
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Bau-Anleitung inkl. Software für ein Kamera-System, das das Farbsehen von Vögeln und Reptilien mit vier Farbrezeptoren (UV, Blau, Grün, Rot) darstellen kann. 

Added by: Sarina  
Plants, animals, and fungi display a rich tapestry of colors. Animals, in particular, use colors in dynamic displays performed in spatially complex environments. Although current approaches for studying colors are objective and repeatable, they miss the temporal variation of color signals entirely. Here, we introduce hardware and software that provide ecologists and filmmakers the ability to accurately record animal-perceived colors in motion. Specifically, our Python codes transform photos or videos into perceivable units (quantum catches) for animals of known photoreceptor sensitivity. The plans and codes necessary for end-users to capture animal-view videos are all open source and publicly available to encourage continual community development. The camera system and the associated software package will allow ecologists to investigate how animals use colors in dynamic behavioral displays, the ways natural illumination alters perceived colors, and other questions that remained unaddressed until now due to a lack of suitable tools. Finally, it provides scientists and filmmakers with a new, empirically grounded approach for depicting the perceptual worlds of nonhuman animals.


Added by: Sarina  
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