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Longcore, T. 2023. Effects of led lighting on terrestrial wildlife. 
Added by: Sarina (2023-12-20 12:11:41)   
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BibTeX citation key: Longcore2023
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Categories: Englisch = English
Creators: Longcore
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175-Seiten PDF mit Analyse der Auswirkung von Lichtverschmutzung durch LEDs

Insbesondere Interessant ist die Übersicht über das Farbsehen von Tieren, auch Reptilien und Amphibien.

Added by: Sarina  Last edited by: Sarina
1. Systematic Map of Effects of Light from LEDs at Night on Terrestrial Wildlife
2. Relative Importance of Intensity and Spectrum of Artificial Light at Night in Disrupting Behavior of a Nocturnal Rodent
3. A Database of Species Visual Responses to the Spectral Distribution of Light
4. Assessing and Mitigating Taxon-Specific Light Pollution Impacts from Roadway Lighting Projects
5. Guidance for Evaluating and Mitigating Impacts to Sensitive Species from Artificial Light at Night in Caltrans Projects


Due to their increased efficiency and brightness, Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) are now the first choice in outdoor lighting projects. Unlike High-Pressure Sodium lamps, which produce longer wavelengths and yellow-to-orange light, and Low-Pressure Sodium lamps, which produce near monochromatic yellow light, LEDs are usually full-spectrum white light. Due to the difference in color and intensity and special characteristics like flicker and non-Lambertian emission, LEDs have a different effect on wildlife than past lighting models. There is currently no significant organized body of information about LEDs’ effects on wildlife. The study synthesized known or probable effects of LEDs on wildlife to provide agencies with a common set of information to assess environmental impacts and mitigation methods accurately. Specific search terms were used across different databases to gather the body of relevant research using specific screening criteria. Discrete studies were extracted from the final eligible sources. Almost all studied organisms were either chordates or arthropods. The most common chordate studies were on development followed by movement with a significant body of research conducted related to animal husbandry. Most arthropod studies were on movement followed by development with a significant number of studies related to mosquito. Light pollution research can be used to inform the assessment of the effects of LEDs except for specific LED characteristics of flicker and non-Lambertian emittance. Current research supports the mitigation of LED impacts by reducing intensity, controlling spill, reducing duration, and controlling spectrum to avoid peak sensitivities of most groups to shorter wavelengths. Significant variability in photoreceptor sensitivity and flexibility of spectral outputs of LEDs argue for the consideration of specific affected species for efforts to mitigate adverse impacts from LEDs.


lighting, roadway lighting, light emitting diodes, LEDs, color, spectrum, geographic information systems, wildlife, circadian rhythms, light pollution, photopollution,

Added by: Sarina  Last edited by: Sarina
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