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Przyrembel, C., Keller, B., & Neumeyer, C. (1995). Trichromatic color vision in the salamander (salamandra salamandra). Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 176(4), 575–586. 
Added by: Sarina (2009-01-21 12:38:11)   Last edited by: Sarina (2014-10-11 13:01:13)
Resource type: Journal Article
DOI: 10.1007/BF00196422
BibTeX citation key: Przyrembel1995
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Categories: Englisch = English
Keywords: Amphibien = Amphibians, Farbsehen = Color Vision, Sehvermögen = Visual Perception
Creators: Keller, Neumeyer, Przyrembel
Collection: Journal of Comparative Physiology A
Views: 9/1550
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Abstract Spectral sensitivity functions were measured between 334 nm and 683 nm in Salamandra salamandra by utilizing two behavioral reactions: the negative phototactic response, and the prey catching behavior elicited by a moving worm dummy. The action spectrum of the negative phototactic response revealed 3 pronounced maxima: at 360–400 nm, at 520–540 nm, and at 600–640 nm. In the range around 450 nm, there was a ldquoreaction gaprdquo where sensitivity could not be measured. The action spectrum of the prey catching behavior was entirely different: maximal sensitivity was found at 500 nm and at 570 nm. Between 500 nm and 334 nm sensitivity decreased continuously for about 1 log unit (Fig. 6).
Experiments under chromatic adaptation using the prey catching behavior indicate that the relatively high sensitivity in the ultraviolet range is not due to a separate ultraviolet photoreceptor, but is based on the responses of a photoreceptor maximally sensitive at about 500 nm.
Color discrimination was tested by moving a colored worm dummy within a differently colored surround of equal subjective brightness. The salamanders were able to discriminate blue from green, and green from red (Fig. 10). The results can be explained by assuming a trichromatic color vision based on 3 photoreceptor types maximally sensitive around 450 nm, 500 nm and 570 nm (Fig. 12).

Key words Color vision - Spectral sensitivity - Ultraviolet - Amphibia - Salamanders - Salamandra salamandra
Added by: Sarina  Last edited by: Sarina
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