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Tansley, K. (1961). The retina of a diurnal gecko. Arch. Gen. Physiol. 272(3), 262–269. 
Added by: Sarina (2022-04-28 11:11:17)   Last edited by: Sarina (2022-04-28 11:11:38)
Resource type: Journal Article
DOI: 10.1007/bf00363014
BibTeX citation key: Tansley1961
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Categories: General
Creators: Tansley
Collection: Arch. Gen. Physiol.
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Added by: Sarina  
1. Fresh and fixed eyes of the diurnal gecko, Phelsuma madagascariensis longinsulae, were examined. 2. This species was found to have a spectacle and no eyelids, a round pupil and a yellow lens. 3. The retina showed the usual three types of gecko visual cell with slender outer segments and colourless oil droplets in one member of Underwood's class B double. It also had a shallow temporal fovea. The general neural structure of the retina was consistent with a diurnal habit. 4. The ocular characteristics of Phelsuma madagascariensis longinsulae are considered to confirm Walls' transmutation theory and to prove that this species has become tertiarily diurnal. © 1961 Springer-Verlag
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