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Taniguchi, Y., Hisatomi, O., Yoshida, M., & Tokunaga, F. (2001). Pinopsin expressed in the retinal photoreceptors of a diurnal gecko. FEBS Letters, 496(2), 69–74. 
Added by: Sarina (2022-04-28 10:59:52)   Last edited by: Sarina (2022-09-26 12:38:22)
Resource type: Journal Article
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 0014-5793
BibTeX citation key: Taniguchi2001
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Categories: Englisch = English
Keywords: Echsen = Lizards, Farbsehen = Color Vision
Creators: Hisatomi, Taniguchi, Tokunaga, Yoshida
Collection: FEBS Letters
Views: 8/376
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Popularity index: 1.5%
Retinal cDNAs encoding the putative opsins, dg3 and dg4, were isolated from a diurnal gecko, Phelsuma madagascariensis longinsulae. dg3 mRNA is localized in about 20% of the thin members of type C double cones, and likely encodes an opsin of the ultraviolet-sensitive pigment. Surprisingly, dg4 is very similar to chicken pinopsin, a pineal-specific photoreceptive molecule. An anti-dg4 antiserum recognized a small population of photoreceptor outer segments in the retina and a large number of pinealocytes. Our results suggest that P. m. longinsulae expresses pinopsin in its retina, which usually plays a role as a photoreceptive molecule in the pineal organ.
Added by: Sarina  
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