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Arnold, E., & Adam, V. (2013). Influence of quartz glass properties onuv-performance of sleeves for systems: working with medium-pressure mercury lamps. IUVA News, 15(2). 
Added by: Sarina (2021-09-16 09:27:26)   
Resource type: Journal Article
BibTeX citation key: Arnold2013
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Categories: Englisch = English
Keywords: Material = Material
Creators: Adam, Arnold
Collection: IUVA News
Views: 5/317
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Quartz glass sleeves containing medium-pressure mercury
lamps (MPLs) are subject to radiation damage due to the
intense VUV- and UV-C emission of this kind of lamp.
In general sleeves are made out of conventional quartz
glass produced by melting pegmatite sand under reducing
atmospheric conditions. The result is a “dry” quartz
glass material with low OH-content and a large amount
of SiH groups, which are subject to strong radiation
damage reducing the UV-transmission and useful lifetime
of the sleeves. Alternative materials containing SiOH in
addition to SiH groups are much more resistance against
radiation damage showing a self-annealing property under
prolonged irradiance.
Added by: Sarina  
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