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Grace, M. S., Church, D. R., Kelly, C. T., Lynn, W. F., & Cooper, T. M. (1999). The python pit organ: Imaging and immunocytochemical analysis of an extremely sensitive natural infrared detector1this paper was presented at the fifth world congress on biosensors, berlin, germany, 3–5 june 1998.1. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 14(1), 53–59. 
Added by: Sarina (2021-07-28 07:59:19)   Last edited by: Sarina (2021-07-28 07:59:39)
Resource type: Journal Article
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 0956-5663
BibTeX citation key: Grace1999
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Categories: Englisch = English
Keywords: Infrarot = Infrared, Schlangen = Snakes
Creators: Church, Cooper, Grace, Kelly, Lynn
Collection: Biosensors and Bioelectronics
Views: 9/503
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The Python infrared-sensitive pit organ is a natural infrared imager that combines high sensitivity, ambient temperature function, microscopic dimensions, and self-repair. We are investigating the spectral sensitivity and signal transduction process in snake infrared-sensitive neurons, neither of which is understood. For example, it is unknown whether infrared receptor neurons function on a thermal or a photic mechanism. We imaged pit organs in living Python molurus and Python regius using infrared-sensitive digital video cameras. Pit organs were significantly more absorptive and/or emissive than surrounding tissues in both 3–5 μm and 8–12 μm wavelength ranges. Pit organs exhibited greater absorption/emissivity in the 8–12 μm range than in the 3–5 μm range. To directly test the relationship between photoreceptors and pit organ infrared-sensitive neurons, we performed immunocytochemistry using antisera directed against retinal photoreceptor opsins. Retinal photoreceptors were labeled with antisera specific for retinal opsins, but these antisera failed to label terminals of infrared-sensitive neurons in the pit organ. Infrared-receptive neurons were also distinguished from retinal photoreceptors on the basis of their calcium-binding protein content. These results indicate that the pit organ absorbs infrared radiation in two major atmospheric transmission windows, one of which (8–12 μm) matches emission of targeted prey, and that infrared receptors are biochemically distinct from retinal photoreceptors. These results also provide the first identification of prospective biochemical components of infrared signal transduction in pit organ receptor neurons.
Added by: Sarina  
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