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Bajer, K., Molnár, O., Török, J., & Herczeg, G. (2011). Ultraviolet nuptial colour determines fight success in male european green lizards (lacerta viridis). Biol Lett, 7(6), 866–868. 
Added by: Sarina (2020-08-19 11:50:03)   
Resource type: Journal Article
BibTeX citation key: Bajer2011
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Categories: Englisch = English
Creators: Bajer, Herczeg, Molnár, Török
Collection: Biol Lett
Views: 7/544
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Popularity index: 1%

Animal communication through colour signals is a central theme in sexual selection. Structural colours can be just as costly and honest signals as pigment-based colours. Ultraviolet (UV) is a structural colour that can be important both in intrasexual competition and mate choice. However, it is still unknown if a UV signal alone can determine the outcome of male–male fights. European green lizard (Lacerta viridis) males develop a nuptial throat coloration with a strong UV component. Among males differing only in their manipulated UV colour, females prefer males with higher UV. Here, we experimentally decreased the UV coloration of randomly chosen males from otherwise similar male pairs to test the hypothesis that a difference in UV colour alone can affect fight success during male–male competition. Our results fully supported the hypotheses: in almost 90 per cent of the contests the male with reduced UV lost the fight. Our results show that UV can be an important signal, affecting both female mate choice and determining male fight success.

Keywords: communication, Lacerta viridis, male–male competition, sexual selection, signal, ultraviolet

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