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Horváth, G., Martín, J., López, P., Garamszegi, L. Z., & Herczeg, G. (2016). Food and vitamin d3 availability affects lizard personalities: An experiment. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 71(1), 27. 
Added by: Sarina (2016-12-28 11:50:36)   
Resource type: Journal Article
DOI: 10.1007/s00265-016-2257-1
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 1432-0762
BibTeX citation key: Horvth2016
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Categories: Englisch = English
Creators: Garamszegi, Herczeg, Horváth, López, Martín
Collection: Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
Views: 4/1055
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Popularity index: 1.25%
It has been proposed recently that labile state variables (e.g. energy reserves) can have a key role in the development and maintenance of consistent between-individual behavioural variation (i.e. animal personality) within population. In male Carpetan rock lizards (Iberolacerta cyreni), the provitamin D3 component of femoral gland secretion acts as an honest signal in sexual communication. Further, vitamin D3 has many important metabolic functions in reptiles. Therefore, by employing a factorial experiment with food (high vs. low) and vitamin D3 (supplemented vs. control) treatments in wild-caught reproductive male I. cyreni, we tested whether changing labile components of individual state affected (i) behavioural consistency (the degree of between-individual difference) and (ii) behavioural type (mean behaviour). Animal personality in activity was present in all treatments; however, personality was present only in the high food {texttimes} vitamin D3 supplementation treatment in shelter use and it was present in all but the low food {texttimes} placebo treatment in risk taking. Lizards (i) decreased activity in the high food treatment, (ii) increased shelter use in the vitamin D3 supplementation treatment and (iii) increased risk taking in the low food {texttimes} vitamin D3 supplementation treatment. We conclude that short-term changes in individual state affect both behavioural consistency and behavioural type of reproductive male I. cyreni. Unfavourable conditions resulted in decreased behavioural consistency, while high-state individuals became less active in general. Individuals with high specific (vitamin D3) but low general (energy reserves) state took higher risk. We discuss several evolutionary explanations for the reported patterns.
Added by: Sarina  
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