Licht-im-Terrarium: Literaturdatenbank

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Bowmaker, J. K., & Loew, E. R. (2005). The cone photoreceptors and visual pigments of chameleons. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 191(10), 925–932.  
Last edited by: Sarina 2010-09-22 14:26:59
Dorn, E. (1955). Die wirkung kurzwelligen ultravioletten lichtes auf frösche. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 37(6), 459–481.  
Added by: Sarina 2009-04-17 18:50:51
Dorn, E. (1955). Die wirkung von ultraviolettem licht auf die haut von salamandra salamandra und salamandra atra. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 37(6), 482–489.  
Added by: Sarina 2009-04-17 18:54:17
Douglas, R. H., Collett, T., & Wagner, H. .-J. (1986). Accommodation in anuran amphibia and its role in depth vision. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 158(1), 133–143.  
Added by: Sarina 2009-05-05 15:02:23
Ellingson, J. M., Fleishman, L. J., & Loew, E. R. (1995). Visual pigments and spectral sensitivity of the diurnal gecko gonatodes albogularis. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 177(5), 559–567.  
Last edited by: Sarina 2009-09-16 17:32:05
Fleishman, L. J., Bowman, M., Saunders, D., Miller, W. E., Rury, M. J., & Loew, E. R. (1997). The visual ecology of puerto rican anoline lizards: habitat light and spectral sensitivity. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 181, 446–460.  
Last edited by: Sarina 2010-09-22 16:30:43
Hartwig, H. G., & van Veen, T. (1979). Spectral characteristics of visible radiation penetrating into the brain and stimulating extraretinal photoreceptors. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 130(3), 277–282.  
Added by: Sarina 2009-06-26 10:32:40
Henze, M. J., Schaeffel, F., Wagner, H. .-J., & Ott, M. (2004). Accommodation behaviour during prey capture in the vietnamese leaf turtle ( geoemyda spengleri). Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 190(2), 139–146.  
Last edited by: Sarina 2009-06-19 15:33:53
Henze, M. J., Schaeffel, F., & Ott, M. (2004). Variations in the off-axis refractive state in the eye of the vietnamese leaf turtle ( geoemyda spengleri). Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 190(2), 131–137.  
Last edited by: Sarina 2009-04-06 14:34:46
Jacobs, G. H., Fenwick, J. A., Crognale, M. A., & Deegan, J. F. (1992). The all-cone retina of the garter snake: spectral mechanisms and photopigment. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 170(6), 701–707.  
Last edited by: Sarina 2009-04-06 11:35:30
Mathis, U., Schaeffel, F., & Howland, H. C. (1988). Visual optics in toads (bufo americanus). Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 163(2), 201–213.  
Added by: Sarina 2009-05-05 15:03:59
Meissl, H., & Ueck, M. (1980). Extraocular photoreception of the pineal gland of the aquatic turtlepseudemys scripta elegans. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 140(2), 173–179.  
Added by: Sarina 2009-04-02 15:48:56
Ott, M., Schaeffel, F., & Kirmse, W. (1998). Binocular vision and accommodation in prey-catching chameleons. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 182(3), 319–330.  
Added by: Sarina 2009-07-11 23:53:41
Ott, M. (2006). Visual accommodation in vertebrates: Mechanisms, physiological response and stimuli. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 192(2), 97–111.  
Last edited by: Sarina 2009-07-12 00:13:16
Przyrembel, C., Keller, B., & Neumeyer, C. (1995). Trichromatic color vision in the salamander (salamandra salamandra). Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 176(4), 575–586.  
Last edited by: Sarina 2014-10-11 13:01:13
Sillman, A. J., Govardovskii, V. I., Röhlich, P., Southard, J. . A., & Loew, E. R. (1997). The photoreceptors and visual pigments of the garter snake (thamnophis sirtalis): A microspectrophotometric, scanning electron microscopic and immunocytochemical study. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 181(2), 89–101.  
Last edited by: Sarina 2010-09-22 16:58:12
Tosini, G., & Menaker, M. (1996). The pineal complex and melatonin affect the expression of the daily rhythm of behavioral thermoregulation in the green iguana. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 179, 135–142.  
Added by: Sarina 2009-09-09 11:03:45
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